Marcus Tullius Cicero – Brought to Life

Some might say is the most important Roman in history. Not just because of what he accomplished, which was substantial, but because of the information we’ve gleamed about his life and times at the end of the Republic from his writings.

There are few Roman statesmen as controversial as Marcus Tullius Cicero, but love him or hate him, he is an important figure of the Late Republic that demands our attention. Although not present in the Sertorius Scrolls, his writings have allowed both myself and the historians I’ve researched enormous amounts of insight into the Roman Republic.

At the risk of overloading the servers, here is my humble attempt to bring Marcus Tullius Cicero to life before our eyes–from the young, ambitious lawyer, to the cynical exile and casualty to a growing tyrannical regime.


I hope you enjoy!

Vincent B. Davis II