Arrea – Character Bio

Full Name: Arrea
Age: 24
Birthday: she doesn’t remember
Class: freed
Tribe:  Ruteni (Gallic)
Position: keeper of Sertorius house

Previously a slave


She wants to keep Sertorius from betraying who he was, and who he can become.


  • Taller than most Roman ladies, about 5’7”
Body type / Build
  • slender with wide hips
Skin tone
  • Has a fair skin of her people
Hair (style & color)
  • dark auburn hair that in its natural state is a beautiful as a Roman matron’s wig. It is light enough that it sways like barley in the wind, and drapes in thick strands over her shoulders.
  • She has a soft eyes, but beneath her narrow eye brows they can be piercing when she is angry or disappointed.
Facial description
  • Her face is lovely and her smile is warm and inviting, pink bow shaped lips. Her cheeks are pronounced and her face is etched with years of worry, but she doesn’t need blush to hide any wrinkles, her skin is spotless and as pale as the snow of the alps, with only a hint of red on her cheeks.
Prominent features or distinguishing marks
  • Pronounced dimples which Sertorius often points out, and adores.
  • The features of her face are very expressive, and she can’t hide her emotions if she desired to. When she becomes angry, her face becomes red like a sky filled with clouds.
Style of dress
  • She has a difficult time adjusting to Roman fashion, and prefers to wear the simple linen dresses she wore in slavery when she isn’t required to wear something else.


Tone of voice

loud, quiet, harsh, etc.

  • Her voice is gentle, and she often takes to a tone not much louder than a whisper when she is talking with Sertorius.
Language or accent
  • Her latin is surprisingly refined, but of course others can notice the Gallic accent. She speaks softly, slowly, and deliberately to compensate for this.


  • She doesn’t play games. Much like Sertorius she is direct and straightforward.
  • She is blunt in her affection for Sertorius. She will tell him, ‘I need you, hold me.’ This causes anxiety and excitement for the young Sertorius who had never experienced it before. It permanently imprints love on his heart for her.
  • Her personality can be described as unique. She is completely unpredictable, and seems to be contemplating playful mischief rather often.
  • She is coy and flirtatious. Although she presents herself as vulnerable and needy, she always leaves something left to give, which leaves Sertorius something more to chase.
  • She is devoted and loyal to Sertorius, and is a wonderful caretaker to Gavius when the time comes.
  • She is rural by nature, and is not unused to working out in the field and in the sun, especially with her father’s livestock. Everything about her is soft and delicate except her hands which are callused and worn much like Sertorius’ for farm labor.
  • She hums Gaelic tunes regularly.
  • When upset she becomes irrationally stubborn. She can be as firm as an army commander. When angry she is an impossible nut to crack.
  • Feeding the birds in the peristyle, and attempting to teach them to hum Gallic tunes.
Greatest fear
  • That Sertorius will remarry. More pointedly, that she’ll be left alone again.
Biggest secret
  • She poisoned one of her early masters.
How does this character get along with other characters?
  • No one can say she is unpleasant. Some say that it is unbecoming of Sertorius to hold a slave in such high regard, but no one can fault the woman herself, from the finest nobles to the servants.
Most Comfortable When
  • Tending the birds in the peristyle.
  • All of life’s meaning can be discerned only in quiet moments with nature. She believes in dwelling on the fragility of life. Sertorius says “you dwell on momento mori and you have never read the stoics” she replies “I didn’t need philosophy to teach me how fragile life is when everyone I love has been taken from me.” He says “not everyone”, and places a hand on her arm.
  • The fact that she is barren.
  • She has a hard time showing any care or concern of Roman slaveholders.
Political party and beliefs None
Religion and superstitions 
  • Claims she cannot understand the Roman religion. She still prayers to the Gallic gods of her father.
  • She does have a great deal of respect for the Roman worship of ancestors and the household gods.
  • Despite her lack of faith in the traditional Roman gods, she makes it her job to ensure that Gavius is raised with a proper understanding of his own religion and learns the basic rites and rituals so she can ensure he follows proper procedure.
Reaction to Stress or hardships
  • Calm and cool. Her face gives away her emotions, but she tends to become quiet and considers the best response possible before offering one.
  • When talking quietly with Sertorius she always seems to be inspecting him delicately, running her fingers over every loose strand of his tunic or the etching on his breastplate. She seems determine to find every scar along his arms and neck, and likes to ask him questions about them.
Short term goal
  • To raise Gavius into the kind of son she is unable to have.
Long term goal
  • To help Sertorius grow into the kind of man he can be.


Where born/grew up
  • Her father was a merchant who often spent time in Roman villages,  and therefore she knows Latin well.
  • She was always on the move, but called the tribe of the Ruteni her home.
Important past events
  • When she was just coming of age, her village was raided. Her home is destroyed, her family killed. She is passed from slave owner to slaver owner and used for her beauty.
  • At one point she becomes pregnant. The master beats her until she loses the child, and afterwards she is believed to be barren.
First Memory
  • She remembers riding on the back of her father’s horse as they walked a herd of sheep to the market, the bells around their necks jiggling softly to match their bahs. 
Saddest Memory
  • When the painted Gauls raided her village. She remembers only the smell of fire and sulphur, and the site of her father being surrounded by armed men and the daggers that flashed in the light of the flames.
  • Received no formal education, but her father taught her the basics whenever he could when they would camp with their caravan along the road.
Proudest accomplishment
  • Poisoning the man who beat her so badly.


Food She eats olives in hordes. She had never tasted them in Gaul, at least not that she can remember.
Drink Prefers ale to wine when she can drink it, but finds it difficult to come by in Rome.
Author, poet, philosopher She cannot yet read.
Sport Doesn’t enjoy the games
Possession Sertorius’ crown, the one he received on the day that he saved her. She cherishes it almost as a token of her own freedom.
Locations Spends most of her time in Sertorius’ Domus.
Historical Figure She knows of Brennus, the Gaul who sacked Rome, but considers him a brute, and wonders how relations could have been with the Gauls and the Romans if it hadn’t been for him. Sertorius says it wouldn’t have made a difference.
God or goddess Nantusuelta- the Gaelic god of nature, valleys and streams. She was the consort of Sucellus, the god of fertility and prosperity.