Sulla – Character Bio

Full Name: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Age: 34 in 104 bc
Birthday: May 6, 138 bc
Class: Patrician
Tribe: Luceres 
Position: Military Tribune, Legatus

One of Marius’ most influential allies 


To win for himself more glory than his commander 


Height 6’1” 
Body type / Build Muscular but thin, a strong upper body and a thin waste. Effeminate, but too muscular to be called so 
Skin tone bronze in his young years, but his skin deteriorates to a pasty white as he ages 
Hair (style & color) long and boyish, naturally curly. Bright blonde 
Eyes striking, ice blue 
Facial description a thick and imposing jaw line, but soft features and silk skin. His eyes are always alert. He occasionally sports the stumble of a beard 
Prominent features or distinguishing marks none at this point, but later his face will be pockmarked as a result of an STD 
Style of dress He dresses in pressed and perfumed togas, even when in the field. Occasionally, his clothes are disheveled from a night of revelry the evening prior, but this is rare. He can usually rally in an uncommon manner after drinking his bodyweight in unwatered wine. 
Mannerisms or gestures He walks with a noble gait, head held back and back straight. He never seems to move very fast. Every move is calculated, he is always composed. 
Health  supreme at this point in his life 


Tone of voice

loud, quiet, harsh, etc.

refined and even, he speaks like a poet, with force, but almost always softly. 
Language or accent Coming from Rome, he has the accent common to a city dweller, but he has curbed this by spending much of his time with Greek intellectually and degenerates. 
Favorite phrases “Not my gladiators, not my arena” 

“Apollo save me” 


  • He has a jovial manner, and conducts himself as friendly as possible at all times.
  • He is easy to get along with, and is generally liked by everyone, from the lowliest slave to the highest ranking officers.
  • He finds many things rather humorous, even to the point of irritating others. He takes very little seriously, but when he does it forces others to take notice.
  • He is exceedingly giving, and offers everything he has to others. He seems to hold most of what he has in little value.
  • He offers absurd mercies and enforces unjust punishments. He is completely unpredictable, and intimidating as a result.
  • He is bold and unwavering. He doesn’t hesitate in anything, whether on the battlefield or in social life. He also never seems to regret his decisions.
  • He is exceedingly handsome and charming. You are immediately drawn to him, although it is clear to see he cannot be trusted. He is an impulsive liar, and will state falsehoods as fact in front of those who know them to be false.
  • He is as kind to Sertorius as the farmers he grew up around, but he stills finds something strange about Sulla’s personality.
  • It’s as if Sulla were only acting, his true nature to never be revealed. It was as if Sulla felt that the whole world were absurd, and he were somehow above it.
  • Sertorius felt that Sulla might snap at the slightest provocation, and cut his throat- even after the two bond.
  • He is far more colorful when he is drinking. Fortunately, he is almost always drinking. Sertorius at first believes he is simply not a morning person, but soon realizes Sulla simply didn’t have much personality until his fourth or fifth cup.
  • He cares about his physical body a great deal, not in a practical sense but in vanity.
  • He is good at compromising, because he has no true moral compass.
  • He treats everyone as if they may have something important to teach him. He listens with intent, only disagreeing after he has fully understood their point.
  • He often prays to Apollo, and consults this particular deity very often.
  • Sulla likes to watch how animals behave. He finds cats and dogs interesting, but cats more so.
  • He likes to speak of poetry and philosophy when he drinks wine, to Marius’ irritation and Sertorius’ delight.
  • His sexual appetite is outrageous, and it isn’t dissipated while on campaign.
  • Bold and seemingly unafraid of anything life can throw at him.
  • He is an excellent tactician, and almost all of his advice is implemented in Marius’ strategy.
  • He has earned the trust of his men, not so much for his affability, but for his proven ability in the field.
  • The friends he keeps (actors, Greeks, playwrights), ostracize him from his peers, but he is unable to break from them.
  • Once his temper is roused, he can do nothing to tame it.
  • Because he has created such a persona for himself, he has few that truly knows him- and he therefore has a deep set feeling of being unloved.
  • He enjoys watching animal behavior.
  • He isn’t afraid to seek out Gallic trollops if there isn’t someone else to satisfy his needs.
  • He kicks his feet up on tables and chairs, reclining, whenever they have formal meetings- which irritates Marius.
  • He has not yet set his eyes on the highest ambitions he will later seek, but he has the upmost belief that he will become someone special.
  • He wants to restore the Sulla name, undoing the damage caused to it by his drunken and impoverished ancestors.
Greatest fear
  • That Marius will ultimately be remembered in more glory than himself.
Biggest secret
  • He has a STD, which resulted in the loss of one of his testicles.
  • That he killed his two old lovers, receiving their inheritance after the fact.
How does this character get along with other characters?
  • He is a friend to all, but as he might say, there was no greater friend, no worse enemy.
  • Those who had caught his enmity are unlikely to ever lose it.
Most Comfortable When
  • Drinking with his companions, speaking of poetry, and thinking on life.
  • That the gods will carry him through anything, and that all of his actions are justified because he is divinely favored by Apollo.
  • He believes that the ends justify the means, and that if he is victorious, his actions must be correct, because Apollo has not abandoned him.
  • That the majority of his wealth was earned from the elder women he courted, when they gave it to him in their inheritance. He is very temperamental when this is brought up.
  • Italians. Sertorius finds it odd (and offensive) that Sulla seems to show more affinity for Gauls and Celts than his does for Italians. He says he dislikes that they view themselves as equals with Romans, whereas other nations know their place.
  • He views the plebs with relative indifference- he doesn’t hate them or disdain their squabbling as some of the other nobles do, but he holds them in a place of minimal value.
Political party and beliefs
  • Optimate- he believes that the power has always, and should always, belong to the Senate- the descendants of the good men who founded the city.
  • He opposes any legislation that takes away from that power, and puts power into the hands of the plebs, the tribunals, or the equestrians.
Religion and superstitions 
  • He is deeply devoted to Apollo, the god he believes has favored him in all things.
  • He rarely consults any of the other gods, deferring to Apollo and a few goddesses from time to time.
  • He doesn’t believe in portents or signs very often, except when they validate his actions. His belief is that he is intrinsically favored.
Reaction to Stress or hardships
  • He seems to have an unbelievable talent for managing stressful situations. He treats threats as if their outcome has already been decided, and always in his favor.
  • Unlike his mentor, there is very little that can perturb him.
  • He hums when he should perhaps be quiet.
Short term goal
  • To win the war against the Cimbri, and to create a narrative that he, in fact, was the true conquerer. If that was too much to be conceived (as it is), than he at least wants to take that power away from Marius, and give it to Catulus.
Long term goal
  • He wants to find himself in a position of power, so that he must bend a knee to no man. He hasn’t quite decided on being a dictator, but he wants to control everything around him. He wants to live in the manner he so choses, without having to defer to others for permission or blessings.


Where born/grew up
  • He was raised in poverty on the Subura. He is very self conscious about this, and is quick to point out that he no longer lives there.
Important past events
  • His father died when he was just a young man, and his mother before him. After both his parents were dead, he shacked up with his mother-in-law.
  • She also dies, and it seems that most of the people in his life have died, and some far before their time.
Family background
  • He has had a Consular ancestor, but it has been so long that his family is of little consequence. The Sulla name is considered with little more regard than the common plebeian new man.
Childhood Friends
  • He was close friends with the Caesar brothers- Gaius and Sextus. He was also close with the Cato brothers, and Marcus Drusus. These were friends in terms of distance and the amount of time they spent with one another, but Sulla always felt like an outsider.
First Memory
  • His father screwing one of the neighbor’s wives the evening after his mother died.
Saddest Memory
  • There was a cat that visited his insula in the Subura. Some of the neighborhood boys killed it, and he was devastated. If he could go back and kill them, he says he would.
Happiest Memory
  • At the theater, watching a Greek play. He can remember the weather- it was cool and there was a fine mist from a recent rain. It was evening, but the streets were well lit with torches. He remembers a feeling of awe and excitement as they told a tale of Apollo and the human he had deigned to carry out his will in protecting a village from minotaurs and gorgons.
  • Not extensive, but thorough in the Roman perception. Most of his knowledge comes from self-learning, as he has done a great deal of reading, as well as speaking with others whom he is interested to learn from.
Proudest accomplishment
  • Capturing Jugurtha with the help of the Mauretanian king Bocchus.
Previous Occupations
  • Quaestor under Marius in Africa


Friends affable and giving 
Enemies cold, unmerciful, uncompromising 
Parents both his parents are dead, but he would treat his father with indifference and his mother with reverence. 
Siblings no siblings (?) 
Spouse coldly. his spouse (all those before Metella) are simply tools. At least Illia were good looking and fun, the others he treats with complete indifference. 
Children none at this time. 
Distant Relatives he would rather have no relations, for he considers no one related to him to be his equal. He maintains the least amount of contact with them as possible. 
Superiors At face value, he follows orders, and always does a good job. That being said, he is a thorn in the side because he takes the spotlight from his superiors, and also tends to ask questions that reveal weaknesses about a potential plan, making Marius (or whomever) look weak or incompetent. 
Subordinates He is kind and affable to them, rarely asking for any special treatment as an officer. The distance between them is unspoken, and none of them forgets that he is capable of swift punishment if they overstep the line. 

He does, however, like a good joke, and isn’t upset when the soldiers joke with him, despite his rank. 

Mentors Does not have any until he returns to Rome. 
Colleagues  Friendly as always, but he believes that those who currently share the same position with him will one day be his inferiors, and this is apparent in his behavior. 
How does he think others perceive him? He knows he is feared and distrusted, but is also well aware of the sway he has over people. He is relatively unconcerned with what others think of him, as long as they can still be manipulated. 


Food his favorite meal is braised flamingo, but eats peaches as often as he can 
Drink strong unwatered wine from southern Italy 
Author, poet, philosopher He prefers Ennius to Terence, Plautus or Livius 
Sport not a great fan of the games, but not because he is squeamish, but because he can care little for slaves killing each other and for a rancorous crowd shouting about it. 
Possession a tragic mask he received from his friend Metrobius after the play about Apollo. He keeps this safe before all things. 
Environment the theater 
Locations He much prefers coastal areas, and resorts to the city. If he could, he would live in Greece, which he, in some ways, idolizes. 
Historical Figure Alexander? 
God or goddess Apollo